
Basic Himalayan Bath Salt Recipe
Basic Himalayan Bath Salt Recipe
Creating your own Himalayan Bath Salt Recipe is quite simple and won’t take a lot of time out of your day. Surprisingly, bath salts are relatively inexpensive to make and require no harsh ingredients.
Himalayan Pink Salt Uses for Neuro-dermatitis
Himalayan Pink Salt Uses for Neuro-dermatitis
Neuro-dermatitis belongs to the family of allergic disorders and can appear as early as infancy. We will look and see what Himalayan Pink Salt uses for it are.
Himalayan Bath Salt benefits
Himalayan Bath Salt benefits
Bath salts are inexpensive, easy and fun to make. But, they are also fun to use. Himalayan Bath Salt benefits are perfect for yourself or for friends and family.
DIY Himalayan Salt Bath Bombs
DIY Himalayan Salt Bath Bombs
One of the easiest ways to unwind, Himalayan salt baths are the perfect solution for stressful days and tired bodies. Here's a few reasons why and a quick recipe to make your own bath bombs at home!
Himalayan bath salt- Scientific approach to bath salt
Himalayan bath salt- Scientific approach to bath salt
Skin consist trillions of micro pores. Sweat is exuded through these pores. Sweat consist salt (Sodium Chloride). Many times, brine (liquid sweat) crystallizes within the pores. Thus blinding of the pores takes place. This causes body pain, pain in the joints, blood pressure, acne and luster loss of skin. How to remove the entrapped crystal salt? –entrapped in the pores. As well skin exudes an oily substance to keep the skin away from drying. This oily substance resists the entry of the water into the pores; thus water can’t penetrate into the pores to dissolve the entrapped crystals of the salt. Water dissolved with one percent (Himalayan bath salt) only can penetrate and dissolve the crystals. Once the blockades (entrapped crystals) are removed, you feel levitated; feel at ease; feel well-being; pains are driven away; blood pressure is normalized; smooth flow of thought process ensures; glossiness of the body increases; body enzymes (80 of them) secrete smoothly; cybernetic system of the brain functions at rated efficiency; Black spots, blemishes or pimples are removed gradually.
Tips for Himalayan Bath Salt for Anti-aging
Tips for Himalayan Bath Salt for Anti-aging
You may already know that the food you eat has a significant impact on your body hand, more specifically, on your skin. If you eat an unhealthy diet loaded with saturated fats and deficient in nutrients, your skin is going to show it by looking oily- you may also experience frequent breakouts and you could even develop early wrinkles. Though there are many “miracle products” on the market to reverse the signs of aging, the solution may actually be simpler than you think- Himalayan Bath Salt.
The Benefits of Floatation in the Sole of Himalayan Bath Salt
The Benefits of Floatation in the Sole of Himalayan Bath Salt
The floatation-tank sole bath is a special kind of bath. Floating in a crystal salt ocean, enclosed within the tank, is an extraordinary experience. Liberated from time, you travel deep into your innermost self. The Himalayan Salt floatation tank is a further development of the “Samadhi Tank” and the “Float Spa” applications. Dr John Lilly studied the human body in a state of zero gravity back in the 1950’s. His research initially served to provide NASA with a method for simulating zero gravity in their astronaut-training program. All floatation tanks are based on the same principle of floating in a sensory deprivation environment of highly concentrated saltwater.
Himalayan Pink Salt for Women’s Health Issues
Himalayan Pink Salt for Women’s Health Issues
To be a woman nowadays means to adopt a variety of roles. Besides the classic images of a housewife, mother and loving partner, the woman of today also has to tackle jobs and contribute to the general financial support of the family. This multitasking requires a lot of energy and very often leads to chronic exhaustion. Women’s health issues include ailments such as menstrual pains, PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), abdominal pains, yeast infections, vaginal dryness, bacterial and viral infections, menopausal discomfort, and more. The Himalayan Pink Salt kills bacteria, viruses and funguses and arrests their growth. The mucous membranes will become moist again and will rejuvenate, thus building up resistance against new infections.
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