Himalayan Pink Salt for Women’s Health Issues
To be a woman nowadays means to adopt a variety of roles. Besides the classic images of a housewife, mother and loving partner, the woman of today also has to tackle jobs and contribute to the general financial support of the family. This multitasking requires a lot of energy and very often leads to chronic exhaustion. Women’s health issues include ailments such as menstrual pains, PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), abdominal pains, yeast infections, vaginal dryness, bacterial and viral infections, menopausal discomfort, and more. The Himalayan Pink Salt kills bacteria, viruses and funguses and arrests their growth. The mucous membranes will become moist again and will rejuvenate, thus building up resistance against new infections.
Himalayan Salt Lamp for Spells
First of all, you should be aware that most spells do not come from magical practices. On the contrary, we are more often confronted with self-induced spells, or sometimes telepathic ones, than with spells deriving from hate-oriented magic. Self-induced spells are cast when we stigmatize a failure and focus on it so much that we end up making it inescapable; a new causality gets put in place inadvertently. In other words, a moment arrives where even if we had a conscious will to succeed, our subconscious would have such control over us that we would condemn ourselves to fail. To strengthen the spells, we could always use Himalayan Salt Lamp. We will see how we can do that later in this writing.
Himalayan Salt Lamps as Contact Objects in paranormal work
In pursuing any kind of paranormal work, we sometimes have a need to return very quickly to our everyday world, to make a break between two levels of reality that are fundamentally different in their essence. This may happen if we find ourselves confronted with negative forces that we are unable to control successfully, or simply of we are tired or feel hurried. From a state close to sleepwalking, it is not easy to make this return trip without side effects, which can include persistent feelings of unreality, depression, rapid heartbeat, and temporary but unpleasant hypo- or hyperthermia, among other things. However, Himalayan Salt Lamps as contact objects can reduce those feelings.