Lamp Natural Micro-XLarge

Himalayan Salt Lamps- Natural
In the home and office, Himalayan Salt Natural Lamps help clean the air of pollen, dust, bacteria, cigarette, smoke, industrial pollutants, automobile and diesel exhaust and household chemicals. Also, the negative ions the lamps produce help diffuse the positive ions created by electronic appliances that studies have shown to be unhealthy and energy sapping.

Natural Lamps can come in light pink, pink coral and deep red. And they all come with an attractive rosewood base, an UL approved cords SPT-2 with fixture and the switch that can take up to 75W and a standard candelabra based bulb. (Replacement bulbs can be purchased anywhere in the US.) 

(Most of the salt lamps that are available on the internet come with SPT-1 electrical fixtures which are limited to 15W bulbs.  Use of a higher wattage bulb in the SPT-1 fixtures can create a fire hazard in your house or store.  The vendors of these inferior but inexpensive products do not tell you about this limitation or hazard.) 

Why ordering from Himalayan Salt Company is a better value for you?
No Important issues Our lamps Lamps on the market
 1 Weight of the same size of the lamps from Micro to Jumbo Same or Heavier Same or Lighter
Beautiful texture √/ ×
 3 Rosewood bases √/ ×
 4 UL approved cords SPT-2 with fixture and switch that can take up to 60W √/ ×
 5 Standard candelabra based bulbs √/ ×

 1 Micro 3.5*3.5*6.5 2-5 6*6
 2 Mini 4*4*7 5.5-6.5 8*8
 3 Small 6*6*9 10-12 10*10
 4 Medium I 6*6*10 10-17 12*12
 5 Medium II 6.5*6.5*10.5 18-22 14*14
 6 Large 8*8*13 23-28 15*15
 7 Extra large 8*8*16 30-38 16*16
 8 Jumbo 1 9*10*20 40-50 20*20
 9 Jumbo 2 10*11*22 60-70 25*25
 10 Jumbo 3 11*12*24 70-100 27*27
 11 Jumbo 4 12*13*26 100-125 30*30
 12 Jumbo 5 13*14*28 150-200 32*32
 13 Custom 14*16*40 210-300 40*40
NOTE: Many other companies sell much smaller lamps for the same size name with us. Compare the weight and dimension for the best lamps that fit your place.
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