The importance of Himalayan Pink Salt Iodine and Selenium for human body

Posted On: 03/11/2016 - Viewed: 68540
Iodine is a mineral that tends to collect in oceans and brine pools- this explains its presence in Himalayan Pink Salt. This element is incredibly important for human health and deficiency can lead to a number of severe problems including the following:
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Goiters
  • Mental deficiency
  • Stunted growth
  • Slowed metabolism
  • Certain forms of cancer
The most important function of iodine is to regulate the production of hormones in the thyroid gland. These hormones are responsible for controlling your metabolism as well as the growth and development of your bones, brain and tissues. The hormones produced by your thyroid are essential for controlling the production and utilization of energy in nearly every cell of your body, so you can see why it is so important.
Iodine deficiency is a very serious problem, and one that is on the rise particularly in the United States. Discoveries about iodine deficiency are what prompted the addition of iodine to table salt during 1920s. Unfortunately, the type of iodine added to table salt (a synthetic form called iodide) is not as easily utilized by the body. Himalayan Pink Salt, however, contain natural iodine which the body can use easily in the production and transport of hormones.
You may find it interesting to learn how iodine deficiency affects certain tissues in your body. Below your will find a chart relating the symptoms of iodine deficiency in the types of tissue.
Tissue Symptoms of Deficiency
Brain Reduced cognitive function and alertness, lowered IQ
Muscles Pain, fibrosis, fibromyalgia, scar tissue, formation of nodules
Skin Dry skin, lack of sweating
Salivary Glands Dry mouth, inability to produce saliva
To prevent iodine deficiency, you should take the time to learn how much iodine your body needs. The human body is capable of holding up to 1,500 mg of iodine at any given time- the thyroid itself can hold up to 50mg. up to 20% of the iodine in your body is contained in your skin while 32% is stored in your muscles. According to the USDA, adult men and women have a recommended daily allowance for iodine around 150 mcg. This number increases to 220 mcg for pregnant women and to 290 for women who are lactating/ breastfeeding. Himalayan Salt contains iodine at a concentration of around 1-10mg/kg.
Iodine and Selenium
In the human body, the minerals iodine and selenium are closely linked. In fact, selenium is a necessary cofactor for a certain type of enzymes called iodothyronine deiodinases- the enzymes responsible for the activation/ deactivation of thyroid hormones. Given the link between these two minerals, it makes sense that selenium deficiency can exacerbate or mimic the symptoms of iodine deficiency. Luckily, Himalayan Pink Salt contains both of these minerals- an iodine concentration of 5mg/kg and a selenium concentration of 0.05-1ppm.

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