Himalayan White Salt and household cleaning

Posted On: 01/08/2016 - Viewed: 43113
Here are some tips that are very helpful for your household cleaning. You can use Himalayan White Salt or any pure white salt that you have in your house.
Pest prevention- Ants
If ants are making path into your house- sprinkle salt across the door frame or directly on their path. Ants will not want to cross this barrier.
Pest prevention- Fleas
To keep fleas from infesting your pet’s home wash their bedding every couple of weeks with a solution of salt water.
Piano keys
Use a mixture of Himalayan White salt and lemon juice to clean grime off piano keys.
Mix 2 tablespoons salt and 2 tablespoons cornstarch, then add enough water (about 5 teaspoons) to make a thick paste. Use a paste to fill a small nail hole, chip or other hole in plaster. Let the paste dry, then sand lightly and paint.
Removing rings from tables
White rings left on tables from wet or hot dishes or glasses can be removed by rubbing a thin paste of salad oil and salt on the spot with your fingers, letting it stand an hour or two, then wiping it off.
Rust removal
Mix equal parts salt and cream of tartar, and moisten with enough water to make a paste. Apply to a rust stain on a piece of metal outdoor furniture; let it sit in the sun until dry. Repeat the process if necessary.
Another rust removal method is to make a paste of lemon juice and salt. Apply paste to the rusted object, and rub with a dry, soft cloth.
Salt shaker
Put a few grains of rice in your salt shaker for easier pouring.
“Salt stains” from carpets
“Salt” stains on carpets are usually caused by calcium chloride and magnesium chloride, not sodium chloride. Rock salt has small amount of both of these salts imbedded in it. The problem comes with solubility. Patience and lots of rinse cycles are the key and sometimes calcium carbonate forms and this is fairly insoluble. Try to vacuum most of the dry residue off before using cool to warm water and a very small amount of carpet shampoo.
Once the cleaning solution has been applied, allow time for it to dissolve the deposit. Blot, do not scrub, the spot. Sodium chloride is more soluble at lower temps than at higher ones.
Then rinse with clear lukewarm water, blotting up the excess moisture and follow with another water rinse and blot dry. This should work. If not, try a cleaning mixture of ½ white vinegar to ½ lukewarm water, allow to stand 15 minutes and rinse with clear water.
Shine tarnished silver by rubbing it with salt.
Snails and slugs
These little creatures can cause havoc with your plants as any gardener knows, but there is a simple solution. Take a container of salt into the garden and pour onto the offenders. It’s not pretty, but they won’t survive long.
Occasionally throw a handful of salt on the flames in your fireplace; it will help loosen soot from the chimney and salt makes a bright yellow flame.
Deposits of mineral on the vase interior left by flowers are difficult to remove. Reach inside the vase, rub the offending ring of deposits with Himalayan White salt, then wash with soapy water. If your hand won’t fit inside, fill the vase with a strong solution of salt and water brush gently with a bottle brush or put a handful of uncooked rice or ice cubes into the solution and shake, then wash. This should clear away the residue.
Getting rid of the weeds that grow in the cracks of your path and on your patio can be a pain. To make this job easier, boil a solution of 2 parts water to 1 part salt, then pour this solution directly onto the weeds. This should kill them.
Another way is to spread salt directly onto the weeds or unwanted grass, sprinkle with water or just wait for it to rain and the salt will do its job and the weeds will soon die. Be careful not to get salt on your lawn or any other plants as it will also kill these as well.
Wicker furniture
Wicker furniture can turn yellow with age. To keep it looking good, give it a good scrub with warm salt water and let it dry naturally in the sun. Do this once a year, or once every other year to keep it looking good.
Wine stains
If wine is spilt on a tablecloth or carpet, blot up as much as possible and immediately cover the wine with salt, which will absorb the remaining wine. Later rinse the table cloth with cold water; scrape up the salt from the carpet and then vacuum the spot.

We have this available on https://himalayansaltusa.com/gourmet-salt
Salt a white crystalline substance- 1001 practical household uses (page 23-26)
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