Natural Salt Deposits- Rock salt and Crystal salt

Posted On: 03/29/2016 - Viewed: 49005
Salt is plenty on Earth, especially in the oceans, which cover approximately 70% of the surface. However, the oceans are being degraded to waste-disposal-dumping facilities and are being polluted with heavy metals like lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and more. Not a single year passes without headlines about at least one fractured tanker causing a major ecological catastrophe.
Of course, the poison elements also have their own vibration patterns which are dissonant and therefore harmful to our bodies. For these reasons, sea salt nowadays doesn’t have the same positive impact on our health as it used to. In addition, 80% of all sea salt producers are refining their salt. But there is still sufficient pure, holistic salt available on Earth, left when millions of years ago the sun evaporated the primal oceans. This crystal salt that exists within mountains is still as pure as the ancient primal oceans and contains all the elements as found in our body. Such a crystalline sole is a vast source energy.
Salt deposits, as found in salt mines, consist of 95% rock salt. Since rock salt is wholesome, natural substance, it is far more valuable than table salt. Biochemically, it is non-aggressive. However, the elements within the rock salt have not undergone sufficient compression to be fully fused into a crystalline grid or lattice of structured order, but are only attached to the surface and along the fissures of the rock salt. This means that, even though all or  most of the natural elements on Earth are found in rock salt, they are too coarse and unrefined to be absorbed into our cells. Because salt is not a molecular compound in its solid state as a crystal grid, the elements sodium and chloride are in an ionized colloidal state, as are all the other elements, suspended and fully integrated within the crystal grid. The valiancy of the elements depends on whether they have been subject to sufficient compression over millions of years, which integrated them into a crystal grid.
The elements in rock salt are not integrated into the salt’s crystal grid, but cling to the outside surface and crevices of the crystalline structure. This is the fundamental difference between rock salt and crystal salt. A salt crystal manifests a superior structure. Due to this sublime form, the elements are biochemically available for our cells, as are the individual frequencies or vibration patterns. Rock salt is a cheap alternative to table salt, and is at least a natural and wholesome product.
Biochemically and biophysically however, it is of little importance to our organism. We can only receive the resonant effects of the geometrical structure through the superior order or structure of a crystal and our cells can only absorb those elements that occur in an ionic form. Only under considerable pressure can the elements be transformed into a specific size, making them ionic, so they can pass through our cell wall. This is important because our cells can only absorb what is available organically or ionically.
Therefore, we cannot absorb the minerals from mineral water as they’re not refined enough to penetrate our cell walls. And what doesn’t get into our cells cannot be metabolized. Therefore, the best calcium is useless if it is not available for the body’s cells. In order to make any use of an element, we need its organic, or ionic, state, in perfect natural symbiosis with all associated components.
Pure, natural crystal salt has been subjected to enormous pressure over millions of years. The pressure is responsible for creating the salt crystals. The higher the amount of pressure the more superior or excellent the state of order within the crystalline structure. Salt, for us, is foremost an information carrier and not a spice. For information to be absorbed into our cells, a crystalline structure is necessary. Chemically, a stone and a quartz crystal are both silicates. However, they are distinguished from each other by the amount of pressure they were subjected to. The quartz crystal embodies a perfect geometry form, a perfect state of order within its structure. Crystal salt layers wind through the mountain of salt, shimmering in transparent white, pinkish or reddish veins. Only by sufficient pressure could the salt inside the salt mountain be transformed into crystal salt.
The elements trapped within the crystal occur as particles, small enough to be able to penetrate the human cells and be metabolized.
Crystal salt in its most perfect form is geologically referred to as halite. In olden days it was called “king’s salt” because its use was a privilege reserved for nobility. The populous received mere rock salt. Crystal salt mining was abandoned a long time ago, when it ceased being profitable. Because pure crystal salt only occurs sporadically and in veins, it cannot be mined and processed mechanically. Often it is necessary to mine one hundred times the amount of rock salt in order to secure the precious crystal salt. Biophysically, crystal salt must be mined manually in order to retain the natural qualities of its frequency spectrum. However, the manual mining of salt is economically unrealistic.
In order for people to experience the potential and the regenerating effects we have discovered in crystal salt, it is necessary to make it available. Holistic theories are significant only when they can be put into practice and proven. So when we talk about all the natural elements being present in crystal salt and have comprehended how essential this substance is for our body, the next step is to make it available for proving. Just because rock salt assumes a crystalline form doesn’t mean that it is of the superior quality that we are talking about.

We have the most natural crystal salt available on our site.
Water & Salt- The Essence of Life- The Healing Power of Nature- Dr.Med. Barbara Hendel, Peter Ferreira (Page 100-102)
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