Himalayan Pink Salt application for Infectious flu and sore throat

Posted On: 07/12/2017 - Viewed: 62416
Colds, accompanied by coughing, running nose, sore throat, bronchitis, sinus infections, eardrum infections and infectious flu, do not occur only during the cold and wet seasons, but all through the year, according to your disposition. Himalayan Pink Salt applications not only help to relieve the cold (Infectious flu and sorethroat), but are also excellent preventive therapies.

Himalayan Pink Salt application for Infectious flu
Unlike the flu, the infectious flu is comparatively harmless, causing a general feeling of malady, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, fever, headaches and growing pains.
How to do?

  • Drink one teaspoon of sole (1% Himalayan Pink salt, 99% water) in a glass of living spring water every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Drink two to three quarts of low mineral and non-carbonated water per day.
  • If you are already experiencing the symptoms of the infection but do not have fever or just a slight increase in temperature, take a 1% sole bath in 98.6oF water for 20 minutes. Through osmosis, the body releases toxins and absorbs energy and minerals from the sole.
  • If you have a fever, sole bathing is not recommended.
  • Instead, soak your feet in a 1% sole solution and apply the salt shirt therapy.
  • Cold sole soaked thigh wraps are very effective for lowering fever.

Sore throat
A sore throat is often the precursor of a cold. The throat feels scratchy, burns, and it hurts to swallow. The mouth is the most common gateway for infections to enter our body, and if the immune system is not strong enough, the throat and pharynx can get infected.
Himalayan Pink Salt applications for sore throat

  • Drink one teaspoon of sole (1% salt, 99% water)  in a glass of living spring water every morning on an empty stomach.
  • Drink two to three quarts of low mineral and non-carbonated water per day.
  • Gargle with a 1% sole solution. This moisturizes the infected mucous membrane and loosens bacteria and viruses; the salt disinfects and regenerates the mucous membrane. Repeat this process several times a day.
  • A cold throat wrap with highly concentrated sole will alleviate the soreness. Soak a towel in pure sole, wrap it around your neck, and further, wrap a dry towel around that. Keep it round your neck for one hour.

We have this available on https://himalayansaltusa.com/gourmet-salt

Source: Water & Salt- The Essence of Life- The Healing Power of Nature- Dr.Med. Barbara Hendel, Peter Ferreira (Page 187-189)
Photo: http://www.entinstitute.com/7-natural-sore-throat-remedies/
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