What Is Himalayan Salt Good For?
Posted On: 11/17/2016 - Viewed: 44013
Himalayan salt is sometimes called pink salt or rose salt because of its pale rose color. A natural salt, it is harvested in mountains in Pakistan and is prized by some for its nutritional content and the fact that it is unprocessed.
Sodium and 84 Other Minerals
While Himalayan salt is made up primarily of sodium, it also contains 60 to 65 trace minerals. Sodium helps keep your blood pressure in check as well as aiding in cardiovascular function. The recommended upper limit is 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day for adults, and 1,500 milligrams per day for those who are over the age of 51, are African American or have a history of heart disease. Sulfur, chloride, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, selenium, magnesium, fluoride and iron are all available in small quantities in this salt.
Using in Cooking and Seasoning
Himalayan salt is an alternative to table salt. The larger crystals of the rock salt are best added to soups, stews or marinades, where they are easily dissolved. When using the large blocks for cooking, the salt slabs will impart a slight salinity to the food.
Using in Brine Therapy
Because of its mineral content, Himalayan salt can also be used in brine therapy, where it can help regulate your blood circulation and pressure, as well as treat skin diseases and help restore your acid-base balance. To take part in brine therapy, soak in a bath of dissolved Himalayan sea salt, which helps promote self-healing and detoxification through osmosis. Note that the science behind this is not complete, and it should be taken with a grain of salt.
We have this available on https://himalayansaltusa.com/gourmet-salt
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