Himalayan Pink Salt for Women’s Health Issues

Posted On: 04/01/2016 - Viewed: 85166
To be a woman nowadays means to adopt a variety of roles. Besides the classic images of a housewife, mother and loving partner, the woman of today also has to tackle jobs and contribute to the general financial support of the family. This multitasking requires a lot of energy and very often leads to chronic exhaustion. Women’s health issues include ailments such as menstrual pains, PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), abdominal pains, yeast infections, vaginal dryness, bacterial and viral infections, menopausal discomfort, and more. The Himalayan Pink Salt kills bacteria, viruses and funguses and arrests their growth. The mucous membranes will become moist again and will rejuvenate, thus building up resistance against new infections.
Applications of Himalayan Pink Salt for Women’s Health Issues
Drink one teaspoon of sole (solution of 1% of salt in spring water) in a glass of living spring water every morning on an empty stomach.
For problems with yeast infection, dry mucous membranes, or other vaginal infections, a sole bath for the lower half of your body is recommended. Choose a Himalayan Pink Salt concentration between 3% and 8% in 980oF temperature water.
With a full body bath the initial concentration should not exceed 2%. It can be gradually increased up to 5%. Try to keep the Himalayan bath salt water at or about body temperature of 980oF.

Treat yourself to a floatation tank therapy to recuperate and recharge yourself.
We have this available on https://himalayansaltusa.com/gourmet-salt
Water & Salt- The Essence of Life- The Healing Power of Nature- Dr.Med. Barbara Hendel, Peter Ferreira (Page 206)
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